Mastering the Mind, Achieving Your Goals

With InCharge's emotional management program, you can learn the necessary skills to develop an unshakable personality that will help you reach your highest potential. Through intense guidance and helpful tools, you'll find the answer to unleashing the indestructible entity within you that will persevere and thrive in any scenario.


Feeba John

Founder at InCharge

Unlock Your Potential

At InCharge, the priority is to help you build a personality that can lead you forward in life. With strong foundations in place, you can find the resilience to face difficulties and adversity and reach for the stars. We will provide you with the necessary ammo to consistently depend on yourself and be unafraid of failure. Let us show you the way to become all that you can be.

Strong Mind

At InCharge, we understand the power of strong mental fortitude. We'll equip you with the skills to create a powerful mindset that can empower you to take on any challenge. We will guide you through a deep dive into your emotions and equip you with the courage to face any circumstance.

Unbreakable Core

By developing your inner self and cultivating resilient relationships with those around you, you can craft a core unbreakable by any storm. It's a journey that we can take together for you to gain lifetime skills of self-control, emotional regulation, and positive re-enforcement.

Infinite Power

At InCharge, we recognize that the power of your potential in unlimited. We'll show you ways to tap into inner energy that can lead to personal growth. Through intense preparation and dedicated discipline, you can unlock your inner potential and look to reach heights unfathomable before.

Life Goals

By mastering your mind and emotions, you can create a path towards achieving your life goals and your purpose. We'll help you uncover the courage to strive for more, as InCharge will push you towards bigger and better goals that you wouldn't have thought were achievable before.

Our Vision

Our vision at InCharge is to equip and empower individuals to unlock their potential. We are here to guide you in honing and mastering your emotions to create a strong inner self that will help you flourish no matter what. We believe that individuals can achieve anything with the right mind and emotional management.

Our Services

InCharge offers a wide array of services to get you closer to achieving your goals. From one-on-one personalized guidance to useful tools that can craft a strong mental attitude, our range of services is designed to help you reach your highest potential.

Purpose Coaching

We offer all encompass coaching services designed to aid individuals in mastering their emotions and molding a strong mental attitude. You'll get regular 1-on-1 guidance and feedback from one of our experienced coaches, equipped with the necessary skills to help you tackle any emotion.

1-on-1 Counseling

Our counselors will assist in identifying reactions and behavioral patterns that are holding you back from achieving your goals. With their expertise, they can help you deal with difficult experiences and provide helpful strategies to get through any emotional block and look towards a more prosperous future.


At InCharge, our Mentoring services are designed to help individuals reach their highest potential. This extensive service utilizes the help of passionate and experienced mentors who have been in similar shoes as you and can show you the ropes. Be it career guidance or emotional support, you'll be sure to find the most efficient way forward.

Move Ahead

Take the next step. Rebuild your personality and achieve emotional mastery with In Charge.


Positive self image

At InCharge, we will help you develop confidence in your abilities and strength so that you can approach challenges with a belief in your capacity to overcome them. When you believe in yourself you will channelize creativity and resourcefulness to create opportunities for growth.




Building resilience as a skill is vital for survival. At InCharge we understand that a resilient person is undefeatable. Resilience enables people to maintain a positive mindset, problem solve effectively and persevere in the midst of adversity. Resilience leads to improved mental well-being



Right inspiration

With the right inspiration, anything is possible. InCharge offers several expert tips and tricks that can help you increase your intrinsic motivation to stay focused and inspired on your path to success. We'll help you break through any self-limiting beliefs and carve the path to success.



Stress Relief

Do you feel stressed and overwhelmed? Don't worry, it's totally normal. At InCharge, we provide helpful strategies and techniques to help you stay calm and reduce stress. With our guidance, you can take on any challenge without the fear of failure.


Get in Touch

At InCharge, we offer personalized 1-on-1 guidance to help you reach your highest potential. Contact us now and start your journey towards discovering the strength within yourself.

Ready to get started? Contact us today and let's take the first step together.






Unlock Your Potential






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Disclaimer: All information provided by InCharge is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Please consult a doctor before taking any action.

© 2021 InCharge. All rights reserved.

What clients are saying...

Garima Gupta


It had been a very nice experience. she patiently listened to me. when I enrolled I was too puzzled and emotionally burdened but she made me realize its okay to feel that. She is very supportive. Thank you!

Jane paul



Feeba John, is exceptional in the way she deals. I have attended therapy before but the first few session always seemed pointless but with her you will see your see life differently from the first session.

Ishrat Jha



In charge is how I now feel about my mind. I have been a struggling overthinker having sleepless night.

Ishika kapoor


The sessions were quite insightful, they helped me have a different perspective on things. The questions she asked made me think a lot about me and my situations and pointed out things that I couldn't possibly think about.

Steven John



I would be missing out on so much if I hadnt signed up. That 1 hour shifts things and I get the courage and hope to face life.

Ashlin Mathew



I was underconfident, a people pleaser. She was able to get to the roots and I'm finally able to claim my space. It means a lot to me

Yashwant singh


She is a great listener. I felt so calm during and after my session. She saw I wasn't comfortable because of my anxiety and she patiently helped me navigate. Thank you so much for believing in me.

Karishma Rathod



My best learning was something is not everything. Something bad is something but its not everything.

Shazia Khan



I have finally found myself after breaking through blocks and beliefs that were not serving me. I was finally able to let them go.

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